Driving through town this morning, many things caught my attention. On a sunny and finally-warm morning, the things that still bear marks of neglect from a long and hard winter seemed to stand out more. I saw some signs that were faded, with peeling paint. Lawns that have gone unmowed, possibly since last fall. Piles of stuff that need cleaning up. Nothing too major, but things that clearly haven’t been attended to for awhile.
And then I drove past a restaurant that has recently opened. Out front, I saw a man wearing a shirt and tie, bending down to pick up some small pieces of trash. It was early, about 8:00 in the morning, and this man, dressed for his restaurant work day, was taking the time to pick up the street in front of his establishment. And something about seeing that touched me. I thought, “If he gives that much care and attention to his establishment looking clean and cared for, I imagine he gives even more care and attention to the food.” I’ve never eaten there, but I now intend to. I just want to see if I’m right.
How do we show we care? Most often, it is not in the grand gesture or sending the perfect greeting card. Most often, we show we care by doing the little things that we don’t have to do, simply because we think it might make a difference for someone. How will you show someone you care today?