Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Man Who Married Me. No, not that one. Elbert Cole married me and Andy on June 30, 1984 at Central UMC in Kansas City. I always wanted to be like him as a pastor. He had amazing gifts in relating to people. When he was talking you, you felt like you were the only person in the whole world that mattered to him in that moment. He had a wonderful gift for names, faces, and details of life. As Andy’s own father was in failing health, Elbert would offer words of comfort and advice. Andy would say that Elbert was like a father to him at many times. Elbert was well known for having started the national Shepherd’s Center, but I’ll always know him for his genuine concern for individuals.
I always felt a special honor that Elbert married me. To be married by a man who was such a spiritual giant was a gift. And, almost 26 years later, I can say that Elbert did great work in creating our marital bond.
I learned yesterday that Elbert died on Tuesday, at a ripe old age. I am so grateful for his life and ministry. I always wanted to be like him. I still do.